1. In which departments can I apply for a minor program?
Our students can apply to the minor programs of the departments that have the phrases BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and OPEN TO ALL DEPARTMENTS in the MINOR OPENING column on the Student Affairs Office's "List of Departments Offering Minors - Double Majors" page.
2. What are the requirements for application?
Article 7 of the Hacettepe University Minor Program Instruction must be met in order to apply for the program.
3. When should I apply for the program?
The specified dates for submitting applications can be found in the academic calendar for the corresponding year.
4. How can I learn the quota before making an application?
You can learn the quotas from the faculty/department you will apply to.
5. How do I apply?
Paragraph d of article 7 of the Hacettepe University Minor Program Instruction outlines the application procedure and admission requirements.
For additional information, please contact the department to which you will apply.
6. What courses will I take in the department where I plan to do a minor?
To determine which courses you will take in minor-accepting programs, you must contact the department in which you wish to do a minor. In addition, the programs that Business Administration students can concentrate in through bilateral agreements are listed below. Course information for the minor of interest can be found in the provided file.